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What is a Consulting Civil Engineer and what they do? -with other FAQs.

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

It is not the beauty of a building you should look at, it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.

A consulting engineer is an expert in the planning, design, and construction of both public and private infrastructures. The consulting engineering profession is aimed to benefit the whole of society, through the application of safer, cleaner, and more efficient foundations. With varied backgrounds, consulting engineers may have civil, structural, performance, or other expertise. Engagement of a consulting engineer is most advantageous when a project has a specific goal, or when expertise is needed to examine or solve a problem. In the building sector, the role of a consulting engineer is indispensable when development or performance is in question.

Consulting engineers are licensed professionals with diverse qualifications, including civil, structural, environmental, geotechnical, industrial, agricultural, and other disciplines. At consulting engineering firms, teams of knowledgeable experts can fill many distinctive educational, technical, and mechanical roles that can help to solve or prevent any problems.

Consulting engineers may design an entire project, or they might be responsible for only one component of the design, depending on the need. Their support can be provided throughout the whole process, from inception to completion, in order to facilitate the best solutions.

When architects and builders face technical challenges, or when buildings require improved performance, consulting engineers can assist with the entire framework, such as design analysis, construction details, and future structural support. When you hire a consulting engineer, important feedback can be provided, such as material limitations and design weaknesses, offering the kind of insights that will help to optimize the entire project. Consulting engineers bring an innovative, quality design that can have a positive impact on construction, operation, and maintenance expenses. Whether in preparation for a new design or the rehabilitation of existing infrastructure, consulting engineers can make the end product much simpler and more cost-effective to achieve.

Need for a  Construction consultant:-

The necessity of a consultant in the very early of the project cannot be by-passed as serious errors are prone to occur. In case the site is purchased for the construction of a building but soil analysis proved the site is unsuitable for buildings loads of buildings and needs a special type of foundation. The excess of money spent over a special foundation could have been easily retained in case a consultant had been hired before the purchase of the site.

How to select the best Consultant?

Selecting a consultant is one of the most important decisions an owner or client can make. The success of any project often depends upon obtaining the ablest, experienced, and reputable consultant available. There are two key points to consider when deciding what method of selection to employ:

  1. Inadequate fees lead to the reduction of the scope and quality of the service by spending less time on the project or assigning lower paid and usually less qualified personnel to the project.

  2. The method of selection that best meets all factors is quality-based selection. Choose the consultant on the basis of professional competence, managerial ability, available resources, professional independence, professional integrity, and quality assurance.

Selecting a consultant based on quality ultimately provides the best value for the client. Top-quality consultants bring best practices to the project. This translates into the best possible solutions for the client and the end-user.

The most important standards by which to judge a consultant’s suitability to carry out a particular project are:

• Professional competence

• Managerial ability

• Availability of resources

• Impartiality

• Fairness of fee structure

• Professional integrity

• Quality assurance system

The client should seek information on all these matters by:

• Obtaining comprehensive pre-qualification information from the consultant in a form appropriate for the assignment.

• Interviewing senior personnel identified for the assignment.

• Visiting consultants and examining systems and methods of work, as well as hardware and software capabilities.

• Where applicable, speaking to previous clients.

Confused? Looking for an able man himself? The guy who can fulfill all the above requirements?

Chartered Civil Engineer having 30+ years of Industry Experience, founder of Vinayak Construction Consultants and Maintenance Services
Vishwas R. Padarha- A Chartered Engineer

We've one in the house itself, Mr. Vishwas R. Padarha. A Chartered Civil Engineer, a Corporate Member who has obtained Chartered Engineer’s Certificate from IEI possesses the platform to practice as a self-employed consultant in Engineering professions in India and abroad. This certification provides value addition during the empanelment as Valuer, Loss Assessor with various Government bodies and Financial Institutions.

As per the Declaration No.16 of the Royal Charter, 1935, and Clause 69(i) of the Bye-Laws & Regulations of the Institution, every Corporate Member (FIE/MIE/AMIE) is entitled to use the style and title of Chartered Engineer (India).

The Chartered Engineer certificate is often useful for the following purpose:-

  • To be impaneled as Valuer, Loss Assessor in various financial institutions like Bank, Insurance companies, etc.

  • To be impaneled as Chartered Engineer in the Original Side of High Courts, Central Excise and Customs, and other similar govt concerns.

  • To win contracts of civil works from Municipal Corporation and similar govt bodies.

  • To be employed and/or promoted to foreign companies.

  • To practice as a self-employed consultant in India and abroad.

In general, the Chartered Engineer certificate being issued by the IEI (which is one of the world’s oldest and largest professional bodies of Engineers), plays the role of recognition and acceptance of one’s techno-academic qualification and professional attainment on a global platform.

Check out the other article titled "The Humble Beginning of Mr. Vishwas" in our blog, which has all the content to know more about his professional achievements and competencies.

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